Saturday, June 03, 2017

Single Payer Health Insurance : False Hope

June 1 2017 saw California's senate vote and pass a single payer health insurance.The phrase "single payer "comes from the same central casting dialogue that spoke of " philosopher king" or "great white hope " or "god" or " some one completely trustworthy " or " totally unselfish " or " surgical accuracy missile attacks" or " every one is equal "etc. You get the idea. Problem with a single payer comprehensive health insurance scheme is that all people will get somewhat simultaneously ill either physically or monetarily when one gets ill.Truly it will make every sickness or disease or cough or runny nose a pandemic. The single payer health law constructively gives civil rights to bacteria. Cant talk about prevention because its the right of everyone to be cared for no matter what preventable disease people contract and or invite.

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