Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Super Wealthy And Poorest

The charity Oxfam published a jarring statistic two days ago. The top eight wealthiest people have assets equal to 3.6 billion of the worlds poorest. So the bottom half according to Oxfam has approximately $430 billion in assets compared to a similar asset tote of the most wealthy.The progressives and other acronyms who are in the wealth distribution business immediately rubbed their collective hands in shock and an equal amount of glee. After all it's a fact that could equate into a massive amount of "charity"with other peoples money.Hold on Oxfam.So what's to be done? Do you really want to take a significant amount of $430 billion and put into the hands of the worlds poorest? Those 3.6 billion people are poor largely because they shouldn't have been born in the first place. I know. It's sounds harsh. But do you really want the 3.6 billion to have more children and put more pressure on the environment?Here's a thought. Maybe the eight wealthiest buy the reproductive rights of the poorest 3.6 billion. That way the poor will enjoy a windfall And the planet will have some extra years.

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