Saturday, August 06, 2016

Burqa: Hidden Attraction In Western Culture

Why is the burqa so maligned in western culture ? A burqa is an enveloping outer garment used by women who follow the teachings of the prophet in the religion of Islam.The Quran states in part " Oh prophet! Say to your wives and you daughters and the women of the faithful to draw their outer garment close around themselves....". And that includes covering the face!Do you think Gloria Steinem or Betty Friedan or Hillary Clinton or Sonia Sotamajor or Ruth Ginsburg or Dianne Feinstein or Barbara Boxer or et al of the feminist bitch groups would stand still with humane oblivion? Covering their face and mouth would be worse than bringing back the chastity belt. Our modern day bitches want to be heard particularly when they make no sense. Because they understand the power of repetition in a land where bitch slapping is not politically correct nor legal.So men should break with women on the burqa in public use. Lets not leave out the LGBTQ community.Cross dressing fits their life styling. Never have a bathroom choice problem again. Put the burqa on and feel free to go where you please on bathroom choices. Burqa also dissuades would be gropers because of questions about who is behind the cover all garment.Embrace the burqa.

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