Saturday, February 13, 2016

Gravity Waves: By Definition Are Moving

Einstein predicted gravity waves about 100 years ago.This week scientist announced they proved gravity waves do exist.Two black holes light years away left a trace of an ancient collision. An interferometer in Washington state and one interferometer in Louisiana coordinated data of the collision to prove a cause and effect by inference.Einstein describes gravity as mass that warps space.Like a bowling ball on a trampoline.But that still begs the question how does a stationary mass attract another mass? Unless gravity is in fact motion. Like a cement truck on the side of a road. At rest it attracts nothing. But start the cement truck up and get up to cruising speed and then watch and feel force-gravitational wave force.In short, motion first then comes gravity second.It's like time without motion/change there is no time.Motion is the mover.

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