Saturday, July 04, 2015

Marriage For Anyone: What's Next ?

The Supreme Court has ruled that marriage can be for both sexes.That includes bisexuals who mathematically add an exponential.So that effectively makes bisexual married couples polygamists. Anyone counting? A loop hole opens for gays and their next gambit.Gays could argue that bisexuals are really only one sex at a time so they can have multiple married partners and not run afoul of polygamy laws.Mentioning courts brings up how the Supreme Court got onto this court because marriage isn't mentioned in the Constitution.Any one think of that? So what's next for the gay movement?Necessarily Dave Geffen and Elton John and others need a new project to promote. because that's what narcissistic brats need.How about designer children?New species could be developed by stem cell researchers.Maybe new species of humans who are hairless? Geffen waxes as often as he shaves. It's a Semitic thing that he's fed up with. How about a new species who is designed to be gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender ?What if these deviates get their population percentage to 10% from app. 3% ?Who would trust the GLBT community to act normally? By the SCOTUS ruling it has been demonstrated that a significant number of people are confused about the meaning of sex and what are its uses and what it wasn't intended to be used for.This goes deeper than political disagreements.This issue has not been resolved by the court.The court has only made it worse. This issue has more validity for a civil war than freeing the house help in the South.

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