Monday, May 18, 2015

Dr. Frankenstein & Stem Cell Science & Geneticists & Civil Rights Protection

Here's a question that maybe not many have asked? Given that stem cell research around the world may come up with wonder drugs that can delay aging, enhance face lifts,lessen the chance of contracting a deadly disease or a disease that can horribly alter a persons ability to live a normal life.Does that treatment or drug etc enjoy an immediate right of equal prescription benefit? Does the Civil Rights Act cover people who elect to try this stem cell alchemy? What if there are side effects that make the person odd? Odd in the sense of looks, way of thinking, habits etc?Can casual observers legally comment or deny a relationship with odd individuals because of Civil Rights Protection? More odd than already entitled transgender freaks. Can odd or Frankenstein- stem-cell- fiddled people marry and have their alchemical-stem-cell-fiddled-offspring-be entitled to new race protected status and a new culture beyond same sex marriage?You might say odd people already marry and may be both hetero or homosexual baseline. That's true but I was asking about drug related homos or hetero stem cell altered individuals.Because labs can produce infinitely more variety of odd balls/monsters.Did LBJ and Congress ask this question before producing the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

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