Sunday, September 14, 2014

How Many People Do We Want On The Planet?

Ebola virus has the potential to kill millions. It could kill billions. That's an argument for sending help to Africa to stop the worse case scenario of a world wide pandemic.Superficially it's the wise decision.But Ebola is a symptom of the basic problem of lack of nutrition for overpopulated areas and also accompanying hygiene issues.So if we contain Ebola then we necessarily have to address nutrition and hygiene challenges.That is challenge that no one wants to talk about. Because we don't have the resources.It follows then we have to make a decision of how many people we want to limit to a global population.Right now nature says we have gone over the optimum number many years ago. My own reckoning gives 1970 as the year.The world population at that time was approximately 3.7 billion.That's roughly half of where we are today.In the late seventies world fish stocks plummeted 80% over the next decade and scarcely have recovered.Similar percentage losses in bird also were documented. Global pollution is written about daily and is getting worse.Do we have another 40 years left? Sure but what kind of planet will be looking at? And what kind of life will be living?Not hopeful. Let nature take its course with Ebola in Africa. We have to start somewhere.Africa is where it all began.

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