Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Harvey Milk Airport ?: Homosexual Orgy Of Power In San Francisco

Just when you thought that the homosexuals in San Francisco had won all the battles that were to be won, they identify a new loyalty test or challenge to the largely cowed and politically correct San Franciscans. A quick tutorial of their victories include affirmative action in City hiring policies, grammar school sex education about the joys and relief of bisexual and other homosexual pursuits, renaming landmarks after diseased or murdered LGBT members and their advocates, introducing same sex marriage on the whim of then Mayor Gavin Newsom and fostering homosexual behavior between young and old in city condoned clubs etc.

But today brought forth a resolution by San Francisco Supervisor David Campos. He himself is a homosexual and oddly entered the United States illegally. I kid you not. But no one seems to mind.Least of who was then Mayor Gavin Newsom who appointed Campos to the Board of Supervisors . I guess Gavin thought David a little more unqualified than the Gav himself , so it would make Newsom  look better.  Campos wants  to change the name of San Francisco International Airport to Harvey Milk International Airport. Milk was a homosexual from New York who at the time was a Supervisor in S.F. Milk was murdered while in office. He instantly became a cause celebre. Campos needs the support of five other Supervisors to get the Propostion on the ballot and then the voters will decide whether to change the airports name. .

 Milk was queer. Airports should not be named after one issue queers.Homosexual should show caution. They may well be a one generation phenomenon. .Their capricious and arrogant and non hygenic sexual behavior may stop short any celebration of the renaming because their ranks may be withered by the various diseases they harbor. They may fail because of their success.

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