Saturday, December 29, 2012

Liu Han :A Disgusting, Fat, Greedy Chinaman

Dinorsaurs were wiped out by a cosmic collision.They didn't know about those things. Today man is wiping itself off the planet by killing the planet in a personal way. It's kind of like sawing off a limb you are standing on some 300 feet off the ground. But the eager sawyer is on the wrong side of the cut.  What's more stupid is that the busy man with the blade knows what will happen does it anyway because there's profit for a short period in the exercise. The tree limb can be sold for profit! Dinosaurs were innocent victims of the colliding asteroid. Man is guilty of killing flora and fauna in the common areas. His own death will be welcome by many.

Which brings me to Liu Han. He's the 46 year gap-toothed ,pug-faced greedy Chinaman who runs Sichuan Hanlong Group . That's a smelly China- based natural resource extraction firm .Recent accounts of his conspicuous consumption style include dining on endangered species.For example, he would deprive a shark of its fin so he could stuff a squab with it. Meanwhile the shark either bleeds to death or can't navigate properly .The shark has died before Liu Han  can flush the toilet filled with decomposed shark fin. He wears mink coats that are from minks trapped in the wild. He refuses farmed mink. He also drives a Ferrari. Everyone knows that the Chinese can see well. But he drives a Ferrari around China's busy and crowded urban area.. I wonder if he has a special license? Maybe he has got a special drivers permit that allows him to run over and and maybe kill up to five random Chinese a day with no questions asked.

Fatso Liu Han is now doing business in Eureka, Nevada. No doubt he got permission to blow the top off of Mount Hope in search of molybdenum from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Jobs for locals and an envelope for dear Harry. Liu Han along with many others like him around the world are a clear and present danger to all and that includes themselves.The time for legal remedies may be over.

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