Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Democratic Convention: Party Of Victims

The Democratic Convention got launched in Charlotte, North Carolina last night.Wow. Have things changed there. A once proud member of the Confederacy, North Carolina has become a meeting place for fat black woman and their white , carpetbagger attorneys..They were mostly complaining about being victims! How can a fat ass claim to be a victim? A quick pan of the audience supported the statistical fact that  2/3 of U.S. citizens are either overweight or obese. A black victim look more like South Sudan types. The Center for Disease Control recently published another statistical fact- I.E. black women have the lowest suicide rate of any race or gender.If they are so bad off, why aren't more of them killing themselves?

Also in attendance were the homosexuals. They want to marry. They want respect. They want their rights. I don't care. They are a health hazard first and a "victim" second. Time they wore prophylactic clothing and had a warning label attached about the dangers of sodomy.

And where was the Jew? Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schulz gaveled the convention to order. She's the Chairwoman of the DNC. She's also a de facto Israeli agent.

 I didn't see any victims. They were all smiling and cocky. When they stop smiling. When they are emaciated.. When they learn manners. Then maybe, they might be listened to. No promises,

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