Sunday, November 20, 2011

Stanford Cardinal:Mascot of Emasculation

Stanford University dropped its Indian team mascot in 1972. Fifty-five native Americans out of a general student body population of app. 15,000 used guilt to shame the mostly straight white males to turn in their mascot and constructively their balls. It was aided by the prevailing philosophy of the Civil Rights Acts of the 60's. I.E. if there is any minority grievance that needs money or power or fixing just accuse straight white males of insensitivity.And voila! You will have the progressive press, descendants form the 19th century slave trade,unloved  bitches and carpetbagger politicians flex their vitriol to steam roll opposition..

And what did Stanford replace "Indians" with? The effete school leadership gathered all their critical thinking ability to conjure "cardinal". Note, not even plural. Cardinal for color. Period.  What the fuck does that mean? What the fuck kind of image is cardinal that a school can root for? All that higher education subverted to produce no passion for excellence. Instead we get care givers.. Isn't that so 1960's? Interestingly, since the time of the mascot and name change, Stanford has lagged in mens sports and done better in women sports.No balls there.

P.S. In 1970 Stanford Q.B.Jim Plunkett won the Heisman Trophy along with two other prestigious awards. He was part Indian. But all Indians are not equal.He was representing the Indians mascot of Stanford at that time.

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