Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Will the Great Plains Come Back?

What are the odds that the Great Plains will come back in their glorious ,verdant form? Millions of square miles of tall and short prairie grass have been plowed and turned into farms. Millions of buffaloes and other species of flower and fauna have been slaughterd for "progress". Forty percent of the corn that is grown on the former Great Plains now goes into the production of ethanol. It costs more to make ethanol than it fetches at the pump. Only because of subsidies does its manufacture continue. All this waste so monkeys can drive . Would you trade 40% of the corn harvest for a return of the required growing space to be left to return to "nature" in perpetuity? I would.

If you think about it, the odds that a frivolous primate could master technology so well that the Plains could be ruined in its entirety is probably more of a long shot than the Great Plains reappearing after the extinction or semi-extinction of wasteful man.

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