Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hillary Clinton Needs Dildo Not Libyan War

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, that's a sad fact, said today that her push for Libyan intervention was based on Bill's intervention in the 1994 Bosnia campaign. Gee, I always thought that intervention was Bill's way of getting Moniaca lewinsky and her famous blow jobs in the Oval Office off the front page. Well anyway, Bill's 37,000 bombing sortees on the little country no bigger than Ohio was the foundation for George W, Bush's preemptive war policy. Bosnia was also the catalyst for the neocon's Project for the New American Century. So the old bag's match up to Bosnia was a bad choice.

Hillary needs to get a dildo and get out of foreign policy. She can leaf through her Wellesley year book. She can remember the other "lugs"(lesbians until graduation) that she shared orgasms with. She's not sharing Bill's bed with his herpes and other possible STDs. The bonus will be to take the dildo's satisfaction as a substitute for her need to project U.S. missles at others . She is just deferring her real needs with this war stuff. Like all people , she and her lusts have grown into caricature. But we can't stand her misplaced desires.

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