Wednesday, July 01, 2009

America's Democracy: Latest Examples Of What's OK

While we slept our democracy was taking new shapes. Al Franken defeated Norm Coleman. Franken now will go to the U S Senate to represent Minnesota. Some choice. Both guys are Zionists who have and will continue to keep Israel afloat at the expense of U S prestige and treasure. Can it get any better for the Israeli lobby? The lobby backs the 2 guys that are running!

Meanwhile President Obama is taking the democracy to the next evolutionary step which cracks open the socialism door. Trillions of dollars passed out to the largely unworthy and making more ever more dependant on central planning. Also Obama is sending an affirmative action poster girl-Sonia Sotomayor-to the Senate for approval to serve on the Supreme Court.

The homosexual crowd not satisfied with social acceptance now  marry and also adopt unsuspecting children.

Also while we slept, some legal or illegal immigrant came here and lowered the bar for equality status in our country . It may be a 3'8'' Philipina, transgender, pregnant, obese diabetic, bad teeth, blind and argumentative  who needs a face transplant who is fleeing her country because of discrimination. Yea, I can see that country's point. But she is the new gold standard by which all future applicants are now measured. And she may get that face transplant for free.

The good news is California's broke. This beautiful state is largely the recipient of the worlds human overflow. But without the do-re-me(money) the state will have to stop a lot of the silly equality entitlements for these strange strangers that come here.

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