Saturday, February 16, 2008

Holocaust Politics Update: Yet Another Angle

When one has lemons then the sale of lemonade follows. When one has dead bodies then the sale of guilt follows.

And so partly- Jewish President Nicolas Sarkozy of France has instructed his education minister to add yet more Holocaust education to fifth graders curriculum. France's schools already include extensive Holocaust studies , films, field trips to museums and concentration camps and the ubiquitous plaques placed on school walIs marking where children were taken away. It's also a crime requiring prison time to deny the Holocaust. It's not a crime to deny that Jesus was the son of god. I wonder if they had to delete anything in the curriculum to make room for this ? Sarkozy wants every fifth grader to learn the life story of one of the 11,000 French children that were killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust. He said," Every French child should be entrusted with the memory of a French child-victim of the Holocaust".

Does this morbid exercise lead to a kind of necrophilia or to a vetting of would-be saints?This is not good for young children. Holocaust mania has obviously produced too many Holocaust worshippers. One of them is the President of France. It reminds of Brer Rabbit's plea to Brer Bear in Disney's 1946 classic " Song Of The South". Brer Rabbit pleaded , " Please don't throw me in the briar patch". And so Brer Bear goes and throws the rabbit into the briar patch. And Brer Rabbit gleefully responds, " I was born and raised in a briar patch".

And some calculatingly perpetuate the horrors of the Holocaust for political advantage.What's next?

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