Tuesday, February 19, 2008

G.H.W. Bush & John McCain: Line Bred Belligerents

Yesterday W's father G.H.W. Bush was in Houston, Texas. He was endorsing Senator John McCain for the presidency. GHWB wore a blue tie with a motif of little aircraft carriers. Stylish? Both came from line bred military families. McCain's father and grandfather were naval admirals. Bush's family tree include a war profiteering angle going back to the early 20th century. This included Samuel Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker. They even helped Hitler's Germany rearm. There is a lot of money to be made in anyones war.

Both Bush Sr. and McCain were shot down and lived to fight the same wars over again. Isn't that a kind of Valhalla? McCain was part of the losing team in Viet Nam. But yet he wants still more wars of occupation but this time in the Middle East. Bush Sr. fought the enemy that his family helped to arm and then he went into Iraq which was largely armed by the U.S. including Bush family business interests. But to their credit, both ate their own cooking. Both showed up and suited up for their respective war duties. But neither learned from their heroic experiences. Both want to continue the ways of war. Hey guys, only fight for something that is legitimately self defense don't look for something to fight.

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