Saturday, January 26, 2008

Artificial Life Or Synthetic Organism: Do We Need It ?

There's an old maxim that goes, " Give 1000 monkeys 1000 keyboards and an indefinite period of time and those monkeys will recreate the works of William Shakespeare."

Well it looks like one of we monkeys has come up with the first step in a three step process to create synthetic organisms. Dr. Craig Ventner and other nobel laureates have recently accomplished this feat at the J. Craig Ventner Institute in Rockville,M.D.. Dr. Ventner's goal is " to make artificial life forms with a minimum set of genes necessay for life. It is hoped that such organisms could one day be engineered to perform commercial tasks such as absorbing carbon dioxide from the air or churning out biofuels."

I suggest to the esteemed doctor that nature has already provided for accomplishig such a task . It's called a tree! And instead of replacing trees we should conserve them. Also the goal of reducing the genetic code to a "minimum" contradicts what nature says is best for species survival. Nature dictates that a plurality of genes is the reason species have evolved in an adaptive way. The species have all kinds of different genes to rely on. That's why we all have lived so long.

Like trying to recreate Shakespeare's work's with some sort of monkey business why try to recreate nature's plan. One Shakespeare and one natural metaphysic is all anyone neads.

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