Saturday, January 05, 2008

Max Boot : Another Zionist Distorts History

Oh these Zionists, they distort in the morning, they distort in the afternoon and they fall asleep dreaming of distortions when they awake. Zionist Max Boot is a senior fellow at America's Council Of Foreign Relations. Today in "The Wall Street Journal", he wrote an op-ed piece that compares the centuries long battle between the Scots and the English that started in the 13 century as a proper comparison for the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. I.E. the slow-motion genocide of the Palestinians and their response against the Israelis may last for centuries and the U.S. should get use to seemingly perpetual war and it's funding.

Boot's distortion exists in the Israeli claim on Palestinian territory is as justified as the English claim on the Scotish throne. Say what? One historical wrong desereves to be duplicated and endured by another wrong? One sees how Zionists have gotten the boot from unsuspecting countries in the past! But the real distortion is the comparing of of the 20th century phenomenon of Israel to the real country of England. Also England wasn't supported by a foreign country in it's aggression toward Scotland in contrast to the U.S. support of Israel against the Palestinians. Boot the Boot.

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