Thursday, September 06, 2007

Zionist Paul Bremer: American Viceroy In Iraq

After WW II Gen. Douglas MacArthur and Gen. George Patton were made U.S. viceroys in Japan and Germany respectively. Compare the likes of those two to Paul Bremer. Bremer was made U.S. viceroy in Iraq after the invasion. What were his credentials? Bremer is a Zionist and a business partner of Henry Kissinger . Kissinger is close to former Dept. of Defense official Richard Perle who is also a Zionist who together have interests in warmongering in Iraq and elsewhere through the Trireme Organization.

Bremer is in the NYT today in an op-ed piece denying he made the decision to disband the Iraqi army as his first declaration. He claims it came from higher up. The question that he did or didn't is almost besides the fact that he shouldn't have had that high postion in the first place.

An unstable Iraq brought on by a disbanding of the Iraqi army would insure an American presence in the Middle East for a long time to come. And this would be in the interests of Zionists to have Israel's flank protected and also make hundreds of millions for warmongers.

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