Sunday, July 01, 2007

Bush & Truman: Israel, Oil & Nuclear Weapons

The recent cover of "Newsweek" showed former President Harry Truman and a poster "WANTED: A NEW TRUMAN". Gee, why? He's the guy who dropped 2 nucler bombs on Japanese civilians who were already defeated. Also, his administration was the driving force for the creation of Israel out of the partition of historic Palestine. The world has been the worse for both those dark deeds.

Actually George Bush is repeating parts of Truman's deeds by threatening a nuclear attack on Iran an by his unconditional support of the Zionists thugs. When Truman ordered the the nuclear attack on Japan there were only 2 nuclear weapons in the world. Now there over 11,000 nukes in existence. When Truman put in motion the creation of Israel, this lead to the ethnic cleansing of app. 750,000 indigenous Palestinians. Now the dislocated Palestinian population has swollen to over 5 million and additional billions of the world population are threatened by Middle East unrest.No, we don't need another Truman, 1/2 pint Bush is Trumanesque enough.

Yesterday in Glasgow,Scotland, a would-be suicide bomber was literally on fire from burning gasoline but continued to punch police officers and shout"Allah, Allah"! That bomber was the incarnation of what America should distance itself from-fossil fuels and Israel.

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