Thursday, July 12, 2007

America's Iraq Policy & Israeli Refugee Survival: Plan B

As the rockets fall into Baghdad's American Green Zone and Hamas takes control of Gaza, Plan B for both areas should be formulated. One fact is obvious. Money and superior weaponry are no match for indigenous peoples who are abused in their legitimate homelands.

With regard to the American quagmire in Iraq, it's going to have to be a withdrawal of troops within a year. But Israeli survival is more complicated. Israel's present configuration is unsustainable. It will have to shrink. But who wants Israeli refugees? Here's a simple solution. Every country that voted for the partition of Palestine at the United Nations in 1947 would be forced to take their pro rata share. That share would be based on the current population of the new host nation. Maybe the prospective Israeli refugees could be traded like pollution credits with greater or lesser amounts being sold with a cash payment as a bonus.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where do you get your info from?