Thursday, May 24, 2007

Clinton's Kosovo & Bush's Iraq

The Kosovars are erecting a ten foot statue in honor of Bill Clinton, their " savior ". Europe needed American fire power in their action against Serbia's ethnic cleansing of the Muslim Albanians in the enclave of Kosovo. Clinton needed to get his name and Monica Lewinsky's name off the front page. And so America proceeded with a 68 day bombardment of Serbia which comprised a staggering 33,000 air sortees! Americans didn't care about Clinton's agressive preemptive war against a nation that did no harm to the U.S.

But certain people like Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Elliot Abrahms and others noticed the apathy. Cheney was at Halliburton at that time and personally lobbied Clinton to let Halliburton set up the $ 500 million Camp Bondsteel that was an outsource contractor for the Kosovo action. Shortly thereafter The Project For The New American Century was founded by these same insiders excluding Clinton. They had a new business and philosophy- preemptive war as a path to empire. Bush was elected in 2000 and these same warmongers followed him or actually led him into the presidency. And now preemptive war is part of American culture.

War should not be in the hands of politicians. Only a NATIONAL REFERENDUM should authorize war.

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