Thursday, March 01, 2007

Who Has The Power To Wage War ?

The Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia is asking the question, " Who has the power to wage war ?". The question is directed to 12 former government officials and scholars. The group includes, James Baker III, Warren Christopher, Lee Hamilton, Edwin Meese and Brent Scowcroft. Is it the executive or the legislative branch or a combination of both ? The question needs a long overdue answwer when the fiascos of Viet Nam, Iraq and maybe Iran are considered.

The answer to the question, both philosophically and practically speaking, point to having the power reside with a majority of people. They will make the sacrifice and by extension have the legitimate authority to wage war. Only when a majority of most everyone is on board for war will the mandate be compelling and the chances of winning the war more likely. This mechanism for war requires the establishment of a NATIONAL REFERENDUM ON WAR.

War is too costly to be controlled by politicians and lobbyists.

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