Thursday, March 22, 2007

George Soros & AIPAC: What's He Thinking ?

" When they raid the brothel, they take all the girls".

And so the fate of Jews in Nazi Germany was sealed because they were merely Jewish. George Soros, the Hungarian-born billionaire, experienced that horror in his native country. That backround experience seems to come through in his recent article in the " New York Review Of Books". In the article, he urges the American government to pressure Israel to recognize and deal with the Palestinian's new " unity government". He notes that the main obstacle to that diplomatic step is the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Maybe Mr. Soros fears that the growing anti-Israel attitude around the world will spill over into an indiscriminate anti-Jewish feelings and actions here in America.

But Mr. Soros is up against the premier poster character of excessive foreign lobbying influence in American politics- AIPAC. This lobby has spent years and hundreds of millions of dollars in a legal underworld of intimidating U.S. sworn representatives. The whip is money and it's media contacts. Simply if a representative doesn't kowtow to the Israeli lobby's political agenda then AIPAC will get another stooge.

This was evident when Barack Obama's spokesman quickly distanced the candidate from the Soros analysis. Also other politicians were gushing in their recital of AIPAC's mantra, " No recognition of the 'unity government' unless the 'unity government' recognizes Israel and it's demands". Well if Israel won't recognize Palestine including the "right of return", shared capitol of Jerusalem and a pullback by Israel from the occupied territories, then why should the Palestinians respond positively?

In the far future, could the Jews in America face a Nazi-type experience? Mr. Soros seems to be asking that question and trying to avoid a replay.

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