Thursday, November 17, 2005

PNAC & America's Coming, Rotating Emperors

For The Project for the New American Century, empire includes America. The logical extension of a preemptive war foreign policy ( still unopposed by either party) is the domestic Patriot Act. To that end PNAC interests have been joined by democratic and republican aims for only a two-party system in the future. Late last night Congressional negotiators agreed on making permanent almost all of the temporary provisions of the Patriot Act. A particular double-edged provision is the " National Security Letter". This Orwellian-named legal instrument is equivalent to searches without warrents-police-state stuff. In the hands of the politically-controlled F.B.I. not only terrorist organizations could be rousted but also third-party challengers.

So prepare for rotating emperors. Be they republican or democrats. The Praetorian Guard will be made up of Washigton bureaucracies.. What can one do ? The heart of the beast is the war-making powers of Washington's lobbyist-owned politicians. In war they trust. Therefore to kill the beast, the power to wage war should reside only in a NATIONAL REFERENDUM. Each state should put this propistion on the ballot.

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