Thursday, November 03, 2005

Douglas Feith: Iraq " Deception" Cover-Up

Tuesdays rare closing of the Senate was about the 22-month delayed Senate Intelligence Committee investigation of false pre-war Iraq intelligence. At the heart of the investigation is the role played by Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz and others at the Pentagon.

Over a year ago on October 21, 2004 Senator Carl Levin submitted a 46-page report to the Senate Armed Services Committee. Sen. Levin's report concluded that "Mr. Feith had practiced continuing deception of Congress". At the same time Congressman John Conyers wrote to the House Judiciary Committee demanding an investigation into the " substantial, credible evidence that Pentagon officials engaged in unauthorized activities". He named Feith and others.

Interestingly Lawrence Franklin the Pentagon analyst who pleaded guilty to passing classified information to AIPAC and Israeli embassy employees worked directly under Feith during that time. Feith, Wolfowitz and others should be brought before Congress to answer what they were up to. Stop the cover-up.

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