Sunday, January 31, 2021


Looks to me the stock market is about to crash. Since Biden entered office he has barricaded the White House. With his knowledge of the upcoming collapse of the market, he sent in four of our warships into the Black Sea to protect the Ukraine from Russian aggression! Which caused Putin to activate surface to surface missile batteries and surface to air batteries also. Also he challenged China by doing an arms deal with Taiwan. In addition he scolded China about human rights abuses and told them to stay out of the South China Sea if they were planning aggressive moves. This is the classic move to change the context of the upcoming economic disaster of a collapsing economy to eventually declare martial law and make it a war time security decision. He may blame Trump who now is in Florida looking for a golf ball from a pathetic golf swing. And what about the millions the Pelosi's lost on their Apple and Tesla options? That was for show. It was chump change the Pelosi's used to convince the progressive voters how righteous their unquestioning loyalty means. Of course the progressive voters don't know what questions to ask any way. They always rely on their free attorneys to actually work

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