Friday, October 13, 2017

Harvey Weinstein: Desert Insect Unchained

Award winning film producer/director/ Harvey Weinstein is in the news today. Only the dead have not heard. It seems he is and has been a serial rapist of numerous women whose only fault was they were young, pretty and wanted to get into the movies. Harvey know those fact upon sight. Harvey's particular wish was to perform oral sex on the nubile in a hurry. Sometimes attacking while she was standing. Harvey didn't waste time.Harvey is a semite. He hails from a long line of insect-like desert dwellers.So when his species invades civilization they are apt to make a fool of themselves. Particularly if they become wealthy. And Harvey is wealthy.QED. P.S One doesn't have to be a wealthy semite to make fool of oneself when it comes to sex wanted or unwanted. But in this example Harvey Weinstein is a classic.

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