Thursday, December 17, 2015

Confederate Monuments Removal:New Orleans Changes History

New Orleans, Louisiana City Council voted today to remove four monuments of Confederate era leaders.One of those is a towering master work of Robert E Lee that has stood for over one hundred years.Another is Jefferson Davis who was president of the Confederate states.The usual reasons were included in the debate.Two reasons given were lynching of blacks and of course slavery. I don't think Lee or Davis ever used a rope to hang a black or white man.But that's not the popular narrative which has been sold by carpetbaggers both black and white since the end of the Civil War.Its been their stock in trade for political and monetary gain.Taking down statues is revising history. That's a form of theft.I have noticed that many African Americans are behind bars for theft. So they feel at home in some elses home. Given enough time it would seem that getting rid of the wheel could be down the road for power mad blacks who prefer to walk in the middle of the street.The reason why blacks are here is because their relatives in West Africa sold them. They knew they were getting more in the price than what they were trading away.

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