Monday, December 16, 2013

Light Comedy: Definition And Goal Of Entertainment

Entertainment takes you somewhere else. It lifts you out of your successful or not so successful hum drum.You will pay for the service.To that purpose, I believe light comedy the best vehicle.By its truthful disarming parts, it blots out the sour and unhealthy. It exists for its own sake. It is not judgemental or preachy but merely demonstrates what a happy life might look like. One stop morality wrapped up in quite satisfying examples. An example would be a picture of a kitten engaging a ball of woolen thread. The eyes are riveted. The claws are digging in or rolling the ball with gentle swipes. All the while the kitten is fixated. Truth which is the soul of wit is written large on the whiskered face. If one could write with that witty intensity on any wholesome subject then success is assured.

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