Tuesday, July 05, 2011

First Lady Michelle Obama: An Example of Severe U.S. Decline

Michelle Obama's recent trip to the dark continent included time spent in Johannesburg ,South Africa. She visited Sweto which was the seen of large violent demonstrations against apartheid. Apartheid is now gone but Sweto looks largely the same. Anyway, Michelle addressed the crowd and thanked them for their help in fighting racism. She even went as far as allocating a portion of the Obama's success to South Africans. Really?

My history books and calender show South Africans having a segregation problem long after civil rights issues were settled in the U.S. Actually it was American boycotting of South Africa along with most of the world that brought apartheid to an end in South Africa. So it's the other way around. The crowd that she addressed were largely women and children. If World Health Organization sub-Sahara demographic surveys apply to the group that witnessed gushing Michelle giving thanks to them, then those women and children were probably HIV infected and also unwed single parents to an approximate minimum of 25%.

That's what it has come to in America- an affirmative action African-American with a law degree from Harvard who is also a first lady and who doesn't know her history except she knows how to sell guilt to stupid buyers.

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