Friday, May 20, 2011

Humane Final Solution for Israel

Israel's Prime Minister B. Netanyahu is in town to talk to his stooge and our President B. Obama. It's no secret that the Israeli/Jewish lobby owns our congress and executive branch. Who they don't own outright in our government they can lease almost in perpituity by spending the app. $2 billion annual income raised by various Jewish/Israeli political action groups of ALL stripes. I know of one that is named Northern California Development. But it really is cover for laundered Israeli influence funds. I suspect that it gets some of the money from recycled U.S. grants to Israel. That's right. We send the money to Israel then it gets laundered and comes back as congressional campaign contributions! What hutzpah. But that's the kind of sleaze that got these people killed in the past in all times zones across the planet throughout history.

In the interest of preventing another world war, I suggest that Israel be disarmed and made a theme park. If 6 million Jews can live in Manhattan then Israel's 6 million Jews can live in smaller quarters. And they can still sell tickets to the local attractions. That will free up space to let the rightful Palestinian owners who are scattered about to return.

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