Monday, January 31, 2011

Humans: How Did We Get Here?

The New York Times carried an article about some recently discovered tools of prehistoric man. They were found in southern Saudi Arabia some 127, ooo years earlier than previously thought early humans left West Africa.

Most scientist use modern values or assumptions when analyzing early fossil records. They assumed that about 60,000 years ago a group of primates left Africa and colonized the world. The scientists would assume that early man was energetic. Maybe. But if todays species and decendants of those early roamers is of any connection I've doubts. Most people I read about stay put and are lazy.

About 225 million years ago all the continents on earth were in one spot. It was a super continent called Pangea. Since then the tectonic plates that supported individuals parts of Pangea drifted apart. Now our maps of our globe depict the latest dispostions. I think that the moving sidewalks of tectonic plates got people around in a rather lazy fashion witch suits our personalities. All fruit doesn't drop far from the tree.

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