Friday, December 03, 2010

Oh My God : Israel's "forest fire"

Israel has a  3000 acre "forest fire" and the whole world hears about it. The illegal state of Israel is about as big as the state of New Jersey. Unless Zionist acres are larger than normal people acreage, it's small by any standard. They had a problem controlling it because most of their equipment is dedicated to killing Palestinians and starting their houses on fire-which they never attempt to put out. Also the U.S. Department of Defense doesn't give away fire trucks-only free war equipment.

About forty Israelis were killed when a bus was overwhelmed by the smoke and over turned. Weren't they trespassing on actual Palestinian land? There's a lesson in that event.Leave it to the Zionists to cry loudly over insignificant setbacks. But at the same time they practice their slow-motion genocide of the Palestinians. 

P.S. Israelis say it's the largest "forest fire in Israels history". That's not saying much. Israel is only  a 60 year old twentieth century phenomenon.

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