Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Kind of Town (Chicago Is) ?

The 1964 Academy Award nominated song "My Kind of Town (Chicago Is)" was sung by Frank Sinatra. The music was composed by Jimmy Van Huesen, lyrics by Sammy Cahn and arranged by the great orchestra leader Chicagoan Billy May. Those were happier days. But recently Chicago was going to get some foreign post marked packages that contained explosive devices.  It was mailed from Yemen which is on the Arabian Peninsula. The bombs were addressed to Chicago synagogues. I dare say that al-qaeda didn't know how to spell Chicago until Zionist Rahm Emanuel decided to run for Chicago's mayor. it reminds of the greater U.S. experience. Zionists attract trouble for America because of our support of Israel. And Israel is of no value to the U.S. except in a negative way. Some Zionists should be deported.

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