Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Day, Presidents Day & Bill Clinton

I wonder if the prospects of the newly released book titled "The Death of American Virtue" By Ken Gormley had anything to do with Bill Blythe III a.k.a. President Bill Clinton's recent heart attack. The book revists the Clinton sexual scandals with Paula Jones, his impeachment  and other Clinton poor judgements and maybe crimes some years ago. Bill thought he did a make over of his slimy past by his well- advertised, chest-thumping, outright bragging and good works largely financed by the U.S. tax code. But his pesky history just won't go away.

It's seemingly appropriate that his heart attack was so close to Presidents Day and Valentines Day. His own heart spoke the truth by fluttering in reaction to the glare of scrutiny by the spotlight of his own President Day participation immediately followed by the shadow of his past as illuminated by the book and his persistance/sickness of self exposure.

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