Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Irony In Israel

Today a raged Palestinian construction worker in Jerusalem used a huge Caterpillar bucket- loader to ram a bus and many cars . The result was 3 Israeli deaths and 40 injured.

When former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was the Minister of Building in a former government his nickname was " The Bulldozer". It's because he gave orders to bulldoze Palestinian homes and olive groves in making way for illegal Israeli settlements.

And so ," Those that use the bulldozer die by the bucket loader".

Meanwhile our Congress is being given checks by AIPAC ( American Israel public Affairs Committee ) to pass House Concurrent Resolution #362 and Senate Resolution # 580. Both bills "demand" the president to blockade Iran. I kid you not. The House Bill has 222 co-sponsors and the Senate has 19. A blockade is an act of war. The war would be on behalf of the Zionist state. I ask you . What has Israel ever done for the U.S.?

Americans are lazy and cowardly about the Israeli influence in our congress. But I suspect that if paychecks get smaller and workers are thrown off their jobs because of hard times brought on by any reason then American attitudes towards foreigners will change. History documents just such an event in pre-war Germany. It was called " Kristolnacht".

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