Friday, June 27, 2008

Bill Gates : Hung Up On Redundant Humans

Bill Gates retires today at age 52. He's one of the wealthiest at app. $52 billion. He plans to spend the rest of his life giving away the money that he spent the first part of his life accumulating. I wonder. When did it occur to him that making money as a goal was not all it was cracked up to be? He's joined in his philanthropic plans by the worlds richest-Warren Buffett. Like Bill, he is giving all his money away and will use Bill's personal foundation as the executor. Presumably Warren has second thoughts about wealth as a goal .But he is somewhat suspect. Because at 78 of years age, he is running up against the "can't take it with you" proverb.

How and where is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation going to spend the combined philanthropic fortune? It looks like Bill is headed back to Africa. We all came out of Africa some 50,000 years ago. Bill is a descendant of one of the more adventuresome primates that left Africa. He's going back to help the more "stay at home" Africans that never left the continent.

Malnutrition is the biggest killer in Africa. Bill plans on spending the bulk of the money on feeding the underfed. And then what Bill? It's easier to have children than to feed children. The stay at home Africans never quite grasped that truism. It's ironic. Bill Gates has become fabulously wealthy by replacing hard-working people with software and effectively making them redundant. But now he wants to spend the profit from that enterprise in a de facto breeding program of particularly redundant people who can't feed their own redundant children.

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