Sunday, April 15, 2007

Paul Wolfowitz: A Wandering Jew

Paul Wolfowitz's job at World Bank may be terminated by Monday. But even if he prevails he's doomed to be a Wandering Jew.

There are 2 definitions of " Wandering Jew ". One is botanical. It is the given name for several creeping houseplants most commonly cultivated in window boxes and hanging pots. The other definition refers to medieval legend. It describes Jews who mocked Jesus on his way to the crucifixion. The Jews punishment was to wander the earth without security until Judgement Day. Well this description includes religious bias. Therefore it is not admissable. What Jews did to Jews is their business. And after all, if Jesus was the son of god how could he be offended anyway?

But the first botanical definition does bare some analogies to Wolfowitz. Houseplants require a support system. They have to be purchased, brought home and made comfortable in a non-native surrounding. Then hopefully they will be a postive addition to the host's ambience. If the host doesn't get what he bargained for then out goes the wandering Jew.

Wolfowitz as the prime architect and executive of Iraqi pre and post-war decisions let his allegiance to Israel get in the way of better decisions that could have benefited his American host. Ergo whether it be the reasons for dismissal at the World Bank behavior or his actions at the Department of Defense Wolfowitz is doomed to wander.

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