Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Iraqi & Semitic Refugees In America: A Solution For The Zionist Problem?

Gallows humor is almost never funny. But the essence of humor is truth.

And so the exploding number of Iraqi refugees may provide a humane final solution to the Zionist problem in America. In short the U.S. should let in at least 5 million Iraqi refugees to offset the Zionist/Jewish vote. After all the U.S. destroyed Iraq. So the Iraqis are eligible both legally and morally to gain citizenship here. The new Iraqi-Americans are semitic. So they can't be called anti-semitic when they criticize pro-Israel policies in American politics.

It's noteworthy that the last great dislocation of people in the Middle East was also motivated by Zionist/Israeli objectives. That event was when historic Palestine was partitioned in a rigged 1947 United Nations vote blessed with President Truman's nod. The constructive genocide of Palestinians continues to this day.

For it's own good,America needs more semitic non-Zionist citizens .

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