Saturday, May 27, 2006

Polar Bears, Sharks and The Knuckleheads That Kill Them

Why are any animals left on the planet? Because man's weapon technology is relatively new. If our ancestors 50,000 years ago had guns, I doubt anything would be left-man or beast.

Yesterday in Florida, knucklehead * 1 named Bucky Dennis landed a 40 year-old,pregnant 1280 pound hammerhead shark. But wait there's more. He used a sting ray for bait. Why did he do it? Bucklehead said," I was just trying to find a record that was feasible to break." Gee. What about releasing the poor fish after weighing her by the tension on the line?

Knucklehead * 2 is Bob Hudson of Oxford, Miss. He recently killed a nine-foot polar bear. The bears are being considered for protection because of their melting habitat. Global warming is taking its toll on their terrain. It is common in bear hunting for dogs to surround, confuse and terrify the animal while the hunter gets in close and shoots it from point-blank range. Gee, what a challenge.

In England last year, a study was presented to the Royal Society that showed the optimum carrying capacity of humans for this planet should be 600,000,000. That's 10% of the actual total. I like that optimum number.

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