Thursday, April 28, 2005

Cocaine And Heroin: America Should Legalize Their Use

Secretary of State Rice was recently in Colombia. That country produces 90% of the cocaine and 50% of the heroin that is consumed in the US. Condi was reviewing Plan Colombia. This is a joint Colombian/American effort to eradicate poppy crops that are the source of the drugs. The results showed eradication of over 1.2 million acres. Yet the production has managed to rise during the 2001-2004 period. Production rose,product quality improved and prices were stable.

America has sunk about $ 5 billion into this full employment act for US outsource contractors and their Colombian counterparts. Drug use in the US has not withered like the crops. I think that the federally administered education programs in America have destroyed more young minds than drugs.

Drugs should be legalized and controlled as per alcoholic consumption. Prison space should be saved for truly dangerous people-perhaps some of our politicians. Typical of government programs the unsucessful results of Plan Colombia was sufficient justification for applying a similar plan in Afghanistan which has recently shown a increase loss of American lives.

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