Friday, June 30, 2006

Does AIPAC Launder American Foreign Aid Into U.S. Lobbying Funds ?

AIPAC is suspected and is challenged to open its books regarding the suspicion that it launders American foreign aid. Israel receives over $ 2.5 billion in cash from the U. S. yearly. It is alledged that over $ 250,000,000 of that sum finds it way back into U.S. lobbying efforts under its direction and the other 126 PACs that it influences. That staggering sum is over 11% of yearly lobbying funds spent by all the other lobbyists combined!

AIPAC and other pro-Israel lobbies should not enjoy access to our Congress as if they are a 51st state. With less money and influence in America, Israel would be forced to make peace and stop murdering Palestinians.

The Foreign Lobby Registration Act would expose and end the the spider-web of Israeli influence. The Council for the National Interest which is running a full-page ad this Sunday in the N.Y.Times is heading this lobbying reform. Please support them

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