Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding :Ladies Hats Upstaged Royals Vows?

One of the most emailed news releases from the Royal Wedding were of the ladies fashions. The young and definitely the older women were not about to be upstaged by the exchange of vows. The real show was the battle royale of fashionable hats. Amazonian sourced feathers not seen since the presumed extinction of the original bird were removed from safe deposit boxes and configured onto new two foot stages that rested elegantly on oh-so-proud piles of hair. Muammar Gaddafi could have been in Westminster Abbey along with the other 1900 mostly woman guests but his Mideastern wraps and wraps of cloth would be a non-event even if he were on fire. According to one news release, one woman had red flame-like silhouettes shielding her cheeks. Maybe she was advertising that she was hot to trot either orally or otherwise.

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