Sunday, April 10, 2011

Israel's Iron Dome Protects Holocaust Repeat

Israel Defense Force spokeman is crowing ctoday about how effective the Iron Dome is. The missile shield that the U.S. funded and developed knock downed some incoming demands for rent checks from the people in the collective punishment neighborhood of the Gaza Strip. But many more incomings got through and the Zionists suffered some casualties. Then they bombed Gaza with U.S supplied aircraft and killed civilians. What is with Zionists? Wouldn't it be cheaper just to live by the law? These people are still trying to stop from going extinct the hard way. Hello Zionists, from the Babylonians through Hitler's holocaust to today with everyone except the U.S. wanting your head on a pike, why can't you just follow the laws of civilized nations? I suspect that stealing and lying are in your DNA and you don't feel whole unless it comes out. Things will get worse for Zionists.

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