Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Shameless Hillary Clinton & Mindless Voters

In the late 60's there was a L.A. used-car salesman named Cal Worthington. He was the supreme caricature of his breed with the chaotic- clashing- dressing choices and his promise to " Eat a Bug" if necessary to close a deal. Which brings me to Hillary Clinton! The bad dressing is not as bad as Cal's but she has expert couture help. But when no one's there she will default to Ozark/Mervyn's chic. But to close and eclipse the gap with Cal, she draws on her 1/4 Jewish stomach to swallow and digest and prevail in getting votes using any tactic. Here's some: still clings to sexual predator hubby Bill for advice, profited from the bankruptcy of Madison S&L and then both defended and prosecuted same S&L while at Rose Law Firm, while Bill was Arkansas governor she profited from bogus commodity trades , she revised Bills' history as president and revises her own reasons for the support of the Iraq war, she claims " experience" as her best credential for her presidential run ad nauseum. What "experience" of any worth?

But all that " experience" didn't help in her Iowa rout by Barack Obama. So frustrated or maybe they were only crocidile-type variety she welled up and cried a bit. Well according to the polls that was enough for women voters to turn a 13% deficit into a 3% win over Obama in New Hampshire.


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