Wednesday, January 23, 2008

San Francisco's Alcatraz Island Propostion C: For The Birds

Beware of Director Da Vid's Global Peace Foundation and Proposition C promising world peace by transforming Alcatraz Island. The organization thinks that building a hexagram structure in place of the prison will lead to a " deep meditative, transpersonal and transcendant experience" that will help make a more peaceful world. Hey Da Vid, if that's your real name, Alcatraz Island is already peaceful. Why don't you and your " transpersonals" make a pilgramage to Iraq with whatever message you have?

Da Vid has tipped one card already. He's mentioned Bechtel Corp as a possible source of spade money to transform the under- exploited Island. You know, where there is Bechtel there is certainly the other moneygrubbers, Feinstein and operative hubby Dickie Blum, Walter Shorenstein who together want to sell tickets to other peoples property.

I got an idea. How about we just let the Pelicans and other birds use the Island for a sanctuary ? After all Alcatraz means Pelican in the indigenous Indian language. That still it's highest and best use.

Vote No on Prop C.

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