Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Wealthy People & Corporations : What Is Their Future ?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today that the current U.S. business expansion is the first sustained period of growth since World War II that failed to provide a prolonged increase in real wages ( inflation-adjusted) for most workers. It also reported that wages and salaries now make up the lowest share ( 45%) of U.S. GDP since the government began reporting in 1947.

Simply, the wealthiest people in America and the corporations now depend more on other countries for their operations and profitability? What an awkward position to be in. Living in one country that is increasingly becoming estranged and depending on other countries in a world that is increasingly becoming more dangerous. It's like straddling a ship and dock that are moving in opposite directions. No, hedge funds are not the answer.

The answer is establishing an industrial base in America that is both planet and people friendly and eco-sustainable. The industrial base would produce cutting edge sustainable products and systems that solve our own needs and that can be exported to other countries. This new eco-sustainable base will replace the mischevious military-industrial complex and all the wars that it thrives on.

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