Sunday, January 23, 2011

Olbermann vs Lieberman ?

Neither MSNBC nor Keith Olbermann want to talk about the real reason why Keith was so abruptly fired yesterday. Maybe it had something to do with Olbermann's rant about retiring Senator Joe Lieberman? Olbermann starts by calling Lieberman "delusional" and a "liar" and says "good riddance". He then asks  rhetorically to democrats at large, "What problem do dems have with delusional Joe's policies with the exception of the estate taxes, the Bush tax cuts, school vouchers, gay marriage, homeland security, the public option, the Medicare buy in, privatizing Social security, tort reform and foreign policy choices?"

Could it be that Keith crossed the line and publically criticized a major Zionist politician? Helen Thomas is a recent example.And Keith's heritage is pure German and that conjures up all kinds of stereotypes. If Zionists were a stock, I'd be short.

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