Saturday, July 18, 2009

CIT Failure Would Be Mistake

Ignoring CIT and the small/medium size business' it serves would be a tactical and financial mistake by the Obama Administration. It would be a breaking of faith with small and medium sized business. These are the job creators in the past, now and in the future. The app. 1,000,000 accounts that CIT serves would not easily, if at all find a replacement. Big bank business models are not geared for CIT-type accounts. Consequently bankrupties would follow for some of those accounts and include others in their greater spheres of influence.

The chump change of $4 billion that CIT needs is relatively nothing compared to the hundreds of billions that already have gone out the window to the constructive criminals at AIG,B of A, Citigroup, GM and Chrysler. Small business built this country. Small business owners ran for office . Now many of our politicians are lawyers or people who never had a real job. This results in leadership that doesn't get it or worse get it but are paid to ignore it.

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